
Walnut Capital Announces Fourth Installment of Bakery Square's Public Art Program

Walnut Capital has announced the fourth installment of the Bakery Square Public Art Program as a part of its 'Grow with Walnut Capital' community initiative. The project is aimed at bringing local students from public and charter schools in the area to work with resident artists. The goal is to bring the community voice to Bakery Square's reimagined neighborhood. The selection committee chose local artist Sandy Kessler Kaminski to be the featured artist for 2023 after judging 57 applicants. Kaminski will work with students from Lincoln Elementary and The Urban Academy of Greater Pittsburgh to create public art that will be unveiled on two giant panels at Bakery Square this June.

Walnut Capital's CEO Gregg Perelman expressed excitement about the expansion of the effort to include more artists and engage more local students. Kaminski, who has roots in connecting with youths through art at afterschool programs, plans to draw on infrastructure and environmental themes in our present urban life and connect with students on the power of art to improve our lived experiences.

Also announcing a program expansion!

The committee also recommended expanding the public art effort to include the city's first utility box public art project. The project will beautify and enliven two large, four-feet tall utility boxes alongside Penn Avenue. This effort, also designed through collaboration with school students, will be led by local artist Korey Edmonson.

Donna Jackson, executive director of Larimer Consensus Group and a selection committee member, expressed satisfaction with the program's continuation and the artists' work with kids and schools. She stated that the program is "more important than ever in Larimer". 

Check out our Art page to learn more about the program and recent artists' work.